Everybody needs to escape from time to time, whether it’s from a work problem that is weighing you down or just the everyday responsibilities that are piling up. We all need a moment to leave everything on hold and run towards what brings us comfort and the freedom to be ourselves. I find my escape in travel.
I love everything about traveling and how I can find it in little things like picking up my old French books and dusting off my language skills or becoming consumed in one particular cuisine, learning about a country throughout its flavors and delicacies. I love that moment when I finally buy a plane ticket to that place I have been daydreaming of and I make a mental list of all the unforgettable things I’m going to do there.
But it would be a mistake to think every escape needs to be expensive or done only once a year when work grants you those two weeks off. Traveling is simply moving from one place to another. It doesn’t necessarily require flying off to another continent or even leaving the country. Traveling can be as simple as stepping out your home and taking a drive down the countryside or packing up a picnic for the beach. It’s about discovering, doing things you haven’t done before, absorbing your surroundings and allowing them to change you as they wish. Travel is diving into the unknown and finding out a bit more about you in the process.
We need those little escapes from routine to find beauty and excitement, to constantly challenge ourselves and keep our adventurous side alive. It is what keeps the spirit young and encourages our appetite for life and everything worth living for.
I hope you enjoy my tales of adventures and I hope you submerge yourself into them long enough to feel far away from your world. Just for a few minutes.
The Escape Artist